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Dr. P. V. Chalapathi Rao gold medal – The legacy continues

Dr P. Raghu Ram, Founder, CEO & Director of Ushalakshmi Breast Cancer Foundation presented “Prof. P.V. Chalapathi Rao Gold Medal” for the year 2020 to Dr Saahiti Andhavaram – best outgoing Postgraduate Student in Gen. Surgery from Osmania Medical College at a function organised by Osmania Medical College Alumni Association on 24 March 2021.

A corpus fund was created in the name of late Prof. Chalapathi Rao & the interest generated is being used annually to award the best outgoing undergraduate Student in Surgery (MBBS final year) at Gandhi Medical College and best outgoing Postgraduate Student (MS) in Gen Surgery at Osmania Medical College .

These two Colleges were chosen as Prof. Chalapathi Rao served in both these premier Institutions as Professor of Surgery for 16 years from 1967 – 1983.

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